Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Warm Up

As this is my first post of my first blog ever, I'm going to do a little warm up.  This post is in the style of one of my favorite blogs, My Mother the Style Icon.

For my dad's 60th birthday, I pulled out some of his (thousands) of slides and transferred them on to a computer and into a photo album.  I love old photos.  I love to see the clothes, cars, streets, home decor, etc, etc from times past.  Even more, I love to see family members in their earlier years (read: actually be able to picture, and therefore attempt to comprehend, that my parents were once young!) The photos I found didn't disappoint.  I could almost smell the patchouli, pot and musty smell of the inside of a VW bus that's been camped out in for days (although I guess it had the new car smell back then?)

I've been lucky enough to see some of my mom's fashions from the 60's and 70's in person, as she had the foresight to save a bunch of dresses, wool sweaters and teeny tiny tank tops in a big blue trunk in the garage.  Regrettably, few fit, as my mother had a TINY waist back then (and isn't looking so bad now, either, by the way).  But thankfully I can squeeze into some.  At least the others have been documented in print- as I find more I'll post from time to time.

Here are a few gems.  I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures.  If only we could go back in time and do close-ups!

I have not found this dress yet in her archives, and it saddens me.

White, high-waisted, short-shorts?  Yes please!

 Ok, so, not my style, but I gotta give her props for really going all the way and committing to a color (and one that contrasts wonderfully with her red hair!)  Also, don't quote me, but I believe she sewed the dress herself.  I try to channel her talent whenever I'm at my sewing machine.

There are swans on this sweater.  Enough said.

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